
Cookies in emails

The word cookie is often used as a general term to describe a number of technologies, all of which have a similar purpose. This page explains a little bit more about the types of cookies we use in emails and the choices you have in terms of accepting or rejecting them.

We use cookies in some of our emails. They help us to understand a little bit about how you interact with our emails, and are used to improve our future email communications.

If you have configured your computer to automatically display images, or if you have added us to your email "address book" (or "safe senders" list), or if you have configured your computer to have "weak" security, cookies might be set at the same time as you download, open or read an email from us. If you would prefer for this not to happen, you should disable the automatic displaying of images, or remove us from your address book or strengthen your security settings.

This list may be updated from time to time, you should check back on a regular basis for changes.

The types of ‘cookies’ we use:

Web beacons

A web beacon is a tiny, invisible image placed within an email message that tells us whether you have opened an email, how often you have opened it, how you interacted with the email (such as the time you spent reading the email), which email software and web browser you used, which device you used and your IP address. We also use web beacons to help us display emails in the best format for your device.

Link tracking

Our emails contain a number of hyperlinks, each of which has a unique tag. When you click on one of these links you will be automatically redirected to the server of our mailing company which logs the click. From there you will be redirected to the relevant page on our website. This process enables us to understand who has clicked through from an email to visit our website. We use this information to tailor future messages to you.


Our process for delivering emails may cause cookies to be set, when you download images or when you click on a link.

Making choices about cookies

If you do not wish to accept cookies from any one of our emails, simply close the email before downloading any images or clicking on any links. You can also set your browser to restrict cookies or to reject them entirely. These settings will apply to all cookies whether included on websites or in emails.

In some instances, depending on your email or browser settings, cookies in an email may be automatically accepted (for example, when you've added an email address to your address book or safe senders list). Please refer to your email browser or device instructions for more information on this.

See more on our cookie policy.