WEBVTT 00:00:01.280 --> 00:00:04.680 The relevance of today and the synergies with broader corporate clients 00:00:04.800 --> 00:00:06.560 is actually around treasury policy. 00:00:06.560 --> 00:00:10.680 So focusing on Premier League clubs, initially, they probably have a two fold 00:00:10.680 --> 00:00:15.080 treasury policy where in the window they want short term access to cash, 00:00:15.280 --> 00:00:18.080 whereas outside of the transfer window they can think around 00:00:18.080 --> 00:00:19.400 longer term investments. 00:00:20.600 --> 00:00:22.560 To an extent it is the same for corporate clients. 00:00:22.560 --> 00:00:23.600 More broadly, 00:00:23.600 --> 00:00:27.120 you need to ensure you have a treasury policy that is strong and fit for purpose. 00:00:27.800 --> 00:00:30.680 So I think one of the themes today and we've talked about from a football 00:00:30.680 --> 00:00:33.800 perspective, is that football clubs have a structure where you have 00:00:34.000 --> 00:00:38.000 the football entity that perhaps sits within a broader parent structure, 00:00:38.360 --> 00:00:41.360 and it's really important for that football entity to understand 00:00:41.600 --> 00:00:44.840 where the cash flow, and where the cash, sits between those two entities. 00:00:45.120 --> 00:00:48.160 And the same can be said for any other corporate in real terms. 00:00:48.440 --> 00:00:49.320 There are many corporates 00:00:49.320 --> 00:00:52.720 that have multifaceted and quite complex corporate structures, 00:00:52.920 --> 00:00:55.920 and having that visibility is key in the current economic environment.